The Taggerty Group

2022: Consultancy, for Shire of Murrindindi, “Modelling and Evaluation of a Virtual Microgrid for Marysville”.

2012-2021: Consultancy, for DBA-The Barge Assocation, “Design, Conduct and Analysis of Surveys of Annual Pleasure Barge Usage in the UK and Europe”

2003-2012: Consultancy for Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads "Design, Conduct and Analysis of Queensland Regional Travel Surveys (Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Mackay, Townsville, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Toowoomba)”

2010-2011: Consultancy (with NuStats, LLC), for City of Calgary, Canada "Review of Continuous Household Travel Survey Programs”

2009-2010: Consultancy (with I-view Pty Ltd), for Victorian Department of Infrastructure, "Design, Conduct and Analysis of the 2009-10 Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA09)”

2008: Consultancy (with SKM), for Western Australian Department of Planning and Infrastructure, “Statistical Design and Data Analysis for Workplace Travel Plan Evaluation Surveys”.

2008-2009:Consultancy (with SKM and I-view), for Victorian Department of Sustainability and the Environment, “Statistical Design and Data Analysis for WaterSmart Behaviour Change Program, Victoria”

2007-2008:Consultancy (with I-view Pty Ltd), for Victorian Department of Infrastructure, "Design, Conduct and Analysis of the 2007-08 Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA07)”

2007:Consultancy (with I-view Pty Ltd), for Queensland Transport "Design, Conduct and Analysis of the 2007 South-East Queensland Retirement Village Travel Survey”

2006:Consultancy (with I-view Pty Ltd), for Transit New Zealand "Design, Conduct and Analysis of the 2006 Christchurch Area Travel Survey”

2006:Consultancy (with I-view Pty Ltd), for Auckland Regional Council, NZ "Design, Conduct and Analysis of the 2006 Auckland Household Travel Survey”

2004-06:Consultancy for Victorian Department of Infrastructure "Design, Conduct and Analysis of the 2004-05 TravelSMART Communities Evaluation Surveys”

2003-04:Sub-Consultancy, for Hyder Consulting "New Zealand Toll-Road Stated Preference Surveys"

2002-04:Sub-Consultancy, for Scott Wilson Pty Ltd, "Before and After Survey Design for the North-East Line and Sengkang Light Rail Transit Systems, Singapore"

2002-03:Consultancy, for Transurban and Melbourne CityLink, "Stated Preference Surveys of Value of Time on the CityLink Tollroad"

2002-03:Consultancy, for Transurban and VicRoads, "The Market Value of Arterial Road Travel Time Data"

2002:Consultancy, for Transport for London "Creative Thinking for Transport Planning"

2002-05:Consultancy (with Data Analysis Australia) for Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Western Australia, "Design and Conduct of the Perth and Regions Travel Survey"

2002:Consultancy, for Transport Canada, Ottawa, "Study of the Potential for Developing an Integrated Vehicle-Use and Fuel Consumption Survey"

2001:Sub-Consultancy, for Scott Wilson Pty Ltd, "Stated Preference Survey Design for the Estimation of Transport Evaluation Parameters, Singapore"

2000:Sub-Consultancy, for Steer Davies Gleave, "Sample Design for the Buenos Aires 2000 Travel Survey"

1999-2003:Consultancy, U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, "Use of the Most-Recent-Trip Survey Method with the 1995 ATS data"

1998-2003:Consultancy, Swiss Tourism Authority, “Design and Analysis of a Survey of the Swiss National Cycling Network”

1997-98:Research Contract, Transport Reform Unit, Depat of Treasury and Finance, Victoria, “The Design and Conduct of Public Transport Revenue Allocation Surveys”

1997:Research Contract, EcoRecycle Victoria, “Design of a Recycling and Waste Data Collection Program”

1996-97:Research Contract, Translink Operations Pty Ltd, Victoria, “Market Needs for Electronic Tolling Transponders”

1996:Sub-Consultancy, for Hyder Consultants, " Stated Preference Surveys of the Demand for a High Speed Ferry in Penang, Malaysia”.

1996:Research Contract, Maroondah City Council, " Evaluation of Size Effects for Mobile Garbage Bins”.

1996:Research Contract, Melbourne Parks and Waterways, "The Development of a Demand Model for Regional Open Space”.

1995-96:Research Contract, Bus Proprietors' Association of Victoria, " Evaluation of Size Effects for Mobile Garbage Bins”.

1995-96:Consultancy, for Coles Myer Pty Ltd, Victoria, " Cluster Analysis of Retail Indicators”.

1995-96:Sub-Consultancy, for Clarence City Council, Tasmania, " The Modelling of Solid Waste Management Strategies”.

1995:Consultant to Transport Research Laboratory, England. "A Review of Transport Modelling in Australia and New Zealand".

1995:Sub-Consultant to Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada. "Seasonal Variations in Fuel Consumption and Travel".

1994-99:Consultant to National Bus Company and Department of Transport "Analysis of Passenger Travel Patterns from Ticketing Data"

1993-98:Project Director, "Victorian Activity & Travel Survey (VATS) Project"

1993-98:Project Director, "Victorian Integrated Travel, Activity & Land-Use (VITAL) Toolkit Project"

1991-92:Consultant to VicRoads, "Conduct of Pilot Survey for the 1992 Melbourne Area Personal Travel Survey"

1988:Sub-consultant to Lee-Gosselin Associates Limited, Quebec, Canada. "Development of a Methodology for Estimating the Accident Rates of Heavy Duty Trucks".

1987-89:Consultant to City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County and Cornell University. "Greater Ithaca Transportation Management Information System"

1986:Sub-consultant to De Leuw Cather, Canada. "Development of Canadian national information on exposure to road accident risk".

1985:Sub-consultant to SOCIALDATA Australia. "Development of Microcomputer Software for Administration of Australian National Travel Exposure Survey".

1982-83:Consultant to Ministry of Transport, Victoria. "Review of planning, modelling and evaluation procedures in urban transport planning".

1981:Consultant to Australian Rail Research and Development Organisation. "Mode choice modelling for interstate freight movements".

1979:Consultant to Ministry of Transport, Victoria. "Car sharing in Melbourne".

1979-80:Research Contract: Australian Road Research Board. "Signalised intersection survey method".

Dr. Tony Richardson -  Major Consulting Projects